Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ben's Reluctant Blog Post Count: 2


Ben here. I have to make this entry a quickie -- Lindsay and I are at the Dana Porter Library studying away next to the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room. Why do I have to make this entry a quickie? Three reasons, really: 1) If I spend too much time reading and writing on this blog Lindsay will out-study me, and I'll feel even more unaccomplished; 2) I've got a paper due on Tuesday and this is probably one of the last time slots available to finish it up; 3) I'm still anti-blog and quick posts support my cause.
Ok. That was the drawn out intro. Here's the meat:
Kenneth mentioned to me a conversation between he and Cathy B. about housing costs in Saskatoon. While researching for the paper I should be writing, I came across the statistic. In one year the cost of constructing a house in Saskatoon has risen by 50%. That's insane! During the same year, the cost in Halifax has only risen by 6.8%.
No idea whether this was a worthwhile post or not, but here it is.
ps. happy to see your posts Megan and Cathy!
pps. Go Habs (vs the Leafs tonight 7pm EASTERN - finally applicable).


1 comment:

Ken Clare said...

Hope youse guys had a great weekend.